A ‘Royal’ Celebration of Excellence – The Annual Prize Giving 2024 of Royal Institute International School

On the 12th of August 2024, Royal Institute International School celebrated the
remarkable achievements of its students at the much-anticipated Annual Prize Giving,
held at the Royal Institute International auditorium. This prestigious event, a cornerstone
of the school’s academic calendar, was divided into morning and afternoon sessions to
recognize the accomplishments of primary and secondary students, respectively. The
ceremony not only commended academic success but also recognized triumphs in
sports, extracurricular activities, and community service, fostering a culture of
excellence among students.

To commence the day, the Chief Guest, Mr. A. Sanjaya Bulathsinghala, a distinguished
alumnus of the school, was greeted with a warm welcome. He was joined by the
Chairman of Royal Institute International School, Mr. G.T. Bandara, Academic Director,
Dr. Nirodha Bandara, and other esteemed dignitaries. The proceedings began with a
grand procession led by the scouts and the Eastern Band, culminating in the lighting of
the traditional oil lamp, a symbolic gesture that signified the official opening of the event.

Throughout the ceremony, Special Awards were presented to students who displayed
excellence in academics, sports, scouting, and various clubs and societies. Teachers
were also applauded for their dedication and long-standing service, as they received
Felicitation Awards from the distinguished guests. The auditorium buzzed with
excitement as applause and cheers filled the air, with each winner proudly gracing the
stage. The Annual Prize Giving once again highlighted the school’s commitment to
nurturing well-rounded individuals and celebrating the diverse talents of its student