“You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, inform them, and help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them.” —Wangari Maathai
The Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC) affiliated with the prestigious Deakin University Australia, have put forth an exciting, change-provoking movement encouraging people to see the world in a new and natural perspective called ‘The Environmentalists’ Challenge 2020’. The theme embodied the topic “Modern Engineering Solutions to Environmental Issues” and explored the scientific background of environmental issues and how engineering solutions play a significant role in its mitigation.
The competition takes the shape of two rounds, the first comprising the video submissions and the second being the presentations. Moreover, not only do all entries receive a Certificate of Participation, but those who manage to secure one of the top three positions will be honored with Certificates of Commendation cash prizes (in Australian Dollars respectively):
• 1st Place: $800 AUD
• 2nd Place: $400 AUD
• 3rd Place: $200 AUD
Truly an opportunity for determined young hearts, Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC) together with Deakin University, Australia, pledges to provide the platform the generation of today’s youth requires to make the long-awaited change for the better.