

“To my teachers, I am extremely grateful. I firmly believe that my presence here today and the grounding that I have received were both determined by the commitment of the teachers I had at RI. Although an international school, at RI we never missed on that Sri Lankan touch and sensitivity.” Dr. Tharindi Padmaperuma, an...
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“I learned to lead by example and to earn each other’s trust. This helped me become self-disciplined – a key element not only in my personal life, but also in my career life as a doctor. I learnt that in order to overcome obstacles, a lot of discipline, hard work, patience and commitment was necessary....
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Dr. Kishani Udugampola is a proud alumnus of Royal Institute. She holds a PhD in Criminal Justice and is currently working as an Associate at Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the USA. While at RI, she was a Prefect and a graduate of Cambridge A/L 1998 Commerce batch.Dr. Udugampola is a Founder of...
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The success of a school cannot be measured by its towering buildings, well maintained campuses or the number of students who walk through the gates. The joy, excitement and fondness that the students cherish decades after graduating and the contribution its alumni make in a vast range of spheres towards making this world a better...
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  The Sri Lankan born Dr. Yugeesh Lankadeva is one of the most outstanding alumni, Royal Institute prides in.   His sheer determination and untiring efforts to help mankind led his way to be a National Heart Foundation Future Leader Senior Research Fellow and the Laboratory Head of Translational Cardiovascular and Renal Research Group at...
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A proud RI alumnus, Dr. Yugeesh Lankadeva completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biomedicine with Honours and graduated with High Distinction from Deakin University (Burwood Campus) in 2009, and thereafter, completed his fully-scholarship funded PhD by 2013 within the Faculty of Medicine at Monash University (Clayton Campus).   He currently serves as a National Heart Foundation...
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Getting an education doesn’t always feel like it is worth it while you’re studying. There are a lot of processes and systems involved in going to school, most of which you feel rather than think about. From waking up in the morning, to the travelling (which is again often spent stuck in traffic), to being...
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